Priyanka Chopra was seen on Friday evening arriving at SONA Restaurant in the Flatiron District of New York City. The actress was dressed in a blue pinstripe blouse with long sleeves, the top of which remained open as she arrived for the grand opening. She exuded a broad smile and celebrated the result of years of hard work by her and Sona’s dedicated team. Later in the evening, Priyanka took to her Instagram account to share several scenes that looked like she was visiting her passion project.
The wife of Nick Jonas tucked her top into a pair of wide-legged bright yellow and green trousers that covered most of her toned legs. Her luscious brunette locks fell over her shoulders and derriere during the celebration. She carried several pieces of gold jewelry and added plenty of sparkle to her garment.
Earlier in the evening, Chopra shared several images from the event for her 6.5 million followers to see on her Instagram account. Some of the photos were re-posted on Sona’s official Instagram account, where Chopra wrote a lengthy message instead of the posting caption, expressing her excitement about her venture. ‘Thank you for your support and for helping make Sona a success.’.
Last night I was able to experience the magic of the Sona opening. I must stress that I am delighted that my passion project has finally been completed and that I can finally bring all my roots and time to Sona. No expectations at the moment, I feel so comfortable in India, and Sona is an absolute dream come true, “Chopra said.
The producer commented on how the project took on its final form and spoke briefly about the vision of the restaurant team. “It feels like Maneesh, David, Chef Hari, and I were discussing the original idea of creating a fine Indian restaurant in New York just yesterday,” he said.
Finally, Chopra thanked her staff and those who patronized the establishment. ‘I am thankful to see this golden vision manifest in such a marvelous way and proud to be involved in the realization of our dream. Thank you for all your support for baby Sona.
Sona resulted from several years of planning since Chopra and investors began brainstorming the project in 2015. Chopra wanted Sona to represent the finest side of Indian cuisine and bring on board several personalities from upscale culinary institutes to design the menu. Construction was due to start in late 2019, but the opening of the restaurants was delayed due to the outbreak of the global pandemic. The restaurant opened its doors to the public at the end of March and received mixed to positive reviews from numerous customers.
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