Priyanka Chopra looked absolutely stunning at the press conference for her upcoming show “Citadel” in Mumbai. The actress wore a beautiful gold floor-length dress that featured a plunging neckline and a black bow at the center of the garment. The ruching brought everything together and made for a truly elegant and chic look. The dress itself was shiny and metallic, making it perfect for a night out in the city.
To complete her look, Priyanka wore a pair of classic black pumps from Christian Louboutin. The shoes featured a thin stiletto heel and a sharp, angular pointed toe. They added the perfect finishing touch to her outfit, making it even more glamorous and sophisticated. Priyanka looked every bit the superstar that she is, and her fans couldn’t get enough of her stunning look.
Priyanka Chopra’s new show “Citadel”
Priyanka Chopra has been keeping busy with the promotion of her new show “Citadel,” which she stars in alongside Richard Madden. The series, which is set to premiere on Amazon Prime on April 28, follows the story of two spies whose memories have been wiped after the fall of a global spy agency called Citadel. The two characters later find themselves back in the world of espionage with no recollection of their pasts.
Fans of the actress are eagerly awaiting the release of the show, and with its star-studded cast and intriguing storyline, it is sure to be a hit. Priyanka has been promoting the show tirelessly, and her excitement for the project is contagious. Her chemistry with co-star Richard Madden is palpable, and fans can’t wait to see the two of them on screen together.
Overall, Priyanka Chopra’s stunning look at the press conference for “Citadel” has left her fans in awe. Her elegance and grace are truly unmatched.
Priyanka Chopra Outfit:
- Alessandra Rich Pre-Fall 2023 Dress
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