Indian actress Priyanka Chopra was seen getting to work on her new movie, Text For You, on Friday. Priyanka looked stylish as she filmed scenes at King’s Cross in London, which saw her strolling through a crowd. Putting a fearless expression, Priyanka wrapped up warm against the winter coolness by wearing a dark green corduroy coat with a white scarf. Priyanka’s ensemble was complete with yellow-and-black houndstooth pants. Priyanka Chopra matched her character’s attire by carrying a colorful handbag and stepping out in green heeled brogues as she filmed beside the extras. The wife of Nick Jonas pulled her hair back into a messy bun and wore a lite palette of make-up to accentuate her pretty features.
Priyanka was seen checking her phone before she quickly walked down the stairs past extras going in the opposite direction during the scene. The movie follows a young woman as she grieves her fiance’s tragic death and decides to send romantic text messages to his old phone number. After she begins to form an attachment to the man to whom the phone number was reassigned and struggling with a similar heartbreak, they meet in person and cannot deny the connection they feel with one another, and choose to give love another chance. Priyanka Chopra takes on the lead role in the movie and acting it alongside Outlander star Sam Heughan. Her other co-stars include Russell Tovey, Celine Dion, and Omid Djalili. Canadian singer Celine Dion is set to also write and sing music for the movie, which will also catalyze the couple’s budding relationship. The movie is the remake of the German movie SMS Fur Dich (Text For You) from 2016.
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