On Sunday night, February 20, Sofia Vergara looked incredible when she went out to a romantic dinner with her husband Joe Manganiello at Craig’s in West Hollywood. The Modern Family actress wore a dazzling two-piece orange pantsuit paired with a black corset that accentuated Sofia’s immense cleavage. The actress’s long brunette hair flowed down her shoulders while carrying a black Hermes handbag in her hand. Vergara accentuated her age-defying beauty with glamorous makeup while completing her outfit with an orange manicure and pedicure, which could be seen while wearing beautiful black open-toe heels. Sofia Vergara finished her look with expensive gold bracelets and white gold rings.
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lovely to look, easy to view, it makes one wonder what it would be like to be in love with you….
I’m not sure of your age but you still got it honey , looking damn good