Sofia Vergara was spectacular when she was seen outside an Italian restaurant in Beverly Hills on Friday, August 19, wearing a chic outfit in two shades of green. The actress wore a lime-colored green blouse in combination with high-waisted green bell-bottom pants and green high heels. The Modern Family actress added a beautiful Bottega Veneta lime green bag to her outfit to complete her all-green look. Vergara wore her long brunette hair loose, parted in the middle, and slightly curled at the end, while she wore glamorous makeup that accentuated her lips with brick red lipstick. She wore Bottega Veneta’s cat-eye sunglasses to shield her eyes from the harsh California sun as she walked to her black Range Rover. The fashionista completed her look with a gold bracelet, several chunky rings, and a red manicure. She carried a red Dolce & Gabbana wallet in her hand. In addition, she also had a cake in a plastic cake box that she placed on the car’s back seat. Sofia Vergara took to Instagram to share pictures from her nice lunch. America’s Got Talent star is currently working on the upcoming crime drama Griselda, in which she plays the lead character.
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