Gwyneth Paltrow was spotted taking a stroll through Santa Monica in a sporty ensemble on Saturday. Heading out in the sunshine, the Sliding Doors actress and Derek Blasberg donned sunglasses for the walk. Gwyneth chatted animatedly with Derek as she strolled along in a sporty white sports top with dark and light gray striped arms. Gwyneth added skinny black leggings to the look and luminous blue and yellow sneakers. The actress swept her honeyed hair back from her face.
Gwyneth and Brad were last seen one week ago when they celebrating Joe Biden’s and his VP Kamala Harris’ victory in West Hollywood, after Democratic candidate Biden became President-elect of the United States. Gwyneth drove down one of the city’s most active streets in a white classic Mercedes Benz convertible, gazing proudly upon the crowds of people taking to the streets to celebrate the Democratic victory. Gwyneth Paltrow and Brad Falchuk were not the only celebs to appear at the victory parade in West Hollywood. John Legend and Chrissy Teigen eagerly drove along in their black vehicle, as well as Justin Bieber’s protégé Madison Beer and actress Cara Santana. Gwyneth Paltrow and Brad Falchuk was met on the set of Glee and began dating in 2018.
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