Wonder Woman’s Gal Gadot has been on mummy duty on Tuesday as she headed out with her daughter Alma in Studio City. She rocked a casual sporty figure in an oversized white Reebok hoodie and black leggings. The actress teamed the look with black Reebok sneakers and wore a tiny leather bag across her shoulder. She tied her hair in a ponytail and carried her daughter’s pink backpack over her shoulder as she talked to her female friend. Gal Gadot wore a black mask over her mouth and nose, which she pulled down under her chin at one point.
Last month Gal gave an interview to HELLO! magazine, where she revealed that her husband Yaron Varsano has been working out more because she took Wonder Woman’s role. “The only thing that has changed is that he has started exercising more because I became so strong,” Gal said, laughing. “Seriously, he is amazing; he’s the best.” The actress told in an interview before the movie’s release; the Wonder Woman 1984 star said she finds it challenging to balance being a mother and boosting her career as an actress. Gal Gadot said: “When you have children, you want to be with them and spend time with them, but you have a job, and you need to show up.” The Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice star then recounted an instance where she could not attend a function for her daughter because of her work. “One day, my daughter had a concert and wanted me to come to watch her perform. She said, “Why can’t you just come late as other moms do?” Then I said, “Because there’s going to be a whole crew, and they’re not going to have me there to film.”
Wonder Woman 1984 was offered for streaming on HBO Max and has since become the most successful movie of 2020.
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