Chrissy Teigen paraded with her model figure on Friday afternoon, March 18, as she left the Gelato Festival store in Los Angeles. Chrissy looked terrific as she wore a colorful crop top showing off her taut midriff and paired it with chic floral blue jeans and black heels. John Legend’s wife wore her long brown hair loose, parted at the middle, and shaped into soft waves falling down her shoulders as she accentuated her beauty with glittering earrings and a striking necklace. The model added huge chic sunglasses to her funky 70s look while carrying a small cardboard box and a beautiful yellow Bottega Veneta bag in her hand. Chrissy Teigen completed her look with a few shiny rings and a gorgeous pink manicure as she walked to her car, where she was seen kindly waving to cameras as she entered the vehicle.
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