Karlie Kloss Returns as a Brunette After Ten Years of Modeling as a Blonde

karlie kloss returns as a brunette after ten years of modeling as a blonde 8

Karlie Kloss was unrecognizable at first sight, and everyone freaked out when she walked through New York on Wednesday, January 19, with an entirely unexpected new hair color. Karlie debuted with light brown hair after dyed her hair blonde for more than ten years. Yes, Karlie Kloss is a natural brunette. The model turned the … Read more about Karlie Kloss Returns as a Brunette After Ten Years of Modeling as a Blonde

Karlie Kloss and Joshua Kushner on Their Balcony in NYC

Karlie Kloss and husband Joshua Kushner enjoyed a passionate kiss before joining in on the city-wide clap that sees New Yorkers applaud coronavirus frontline workers every night. The Zoolander 2 actress wore a pink tank top beneath matching cardigan and black sweatpants. Model enhanced her balcony appearance with Cartier gold necklace and earrings as she … Read more about Karlie Kloss and Joshua Kushner on Their Balcony in NYC