On Sunday night, February 27, Mira Sorvino looked incredibly enchanting when she appeared at the 28th Screen Actors Guild Awards at Barker Hangar in Santa Monica. The actress gleamed in an elegant glittery blue pantsuit that had perfectly accentuated Mira’s abundant cleavage. Romy And Michele’s High School Reunion star wore a silver top under her blazer that resembled a disco ball and paired it with a beautiful silver necklace and earrings of the same design. She accentuated her age-defying beauty with glamorous makeup and discreetly accentuated her lips with light pink lipstick while wearing her beautiful blonde hair loose and parted in the middle. While posing on the red carpet, the actress styled her hair so that one side fell back on her back and the other gently flowed down her shoulder, discreetly emphasizing her generous bust. The beautiful actress Mira Sorvino completed her look with silver heels while posing at a prestigious event.
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She is much hotter now