Millie Bobby Brown looked incredible as she attended the EE British Academy Film Awards 2022 at the Royal Albert Hall in London on Sunday night, March 13. Millie wore a black velvet mini dress with a plunging neckline paired with a sheer black top and sheer lace floor-length skirt. Millie’s dark brown hair was pulled back in a tight bun and split in the middle, with her bangs framing each side of her forehead while she was wearing minimal makeup, helping her to look fresh-faced and elegant. The Stranger Things star wore a very showy silver necklace with a medallion. Her boyfriend Jacob Bongiovi joined the actress, who posed with her in a classic black suit and white shirt. Jake Bongiovi is the son of rock star Jon Bon Jovi. Millie Bobby Brown finished her fantastic look with black open-toe heels and black velvet above-the elbow gloves with a chunky white gold ring over the glove.
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