Madonna walked out of the luxurious Delilah in West Hollywood restaurant on Thursday, January 13, putting her very tight legs in full display. The pop diva, as usual, was dressed very trendy while having dinner with Kanye West and others in one of the most visited celebrity places. Madonna wore a warm black cropped puffer jacket, a fluttery white mini dress, fishnet stockings, dark leather fingerless gloves, a leather bag with text, and black leather boots. Material Girl singer wore her blonde hair loose and straight, parted in the middle. At the same time, she accentuated her distinctive facial features with makeup and her lips with matte red lipstick and rounded her face with oversized sunglasses.
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One of the best dressed women in the world .She definitely knows how to shock the world with all her different styles over the years.Shes a style icon always has and always will be.May long she reign.