Lily James looked terrific as she attended the Versace show during Milan Fashion Week on Friday, February 25. Lily showed off a busty display in a showy top with blue gemstones and a mini skirt as she confidently posed for the cameras. Pam & Tommy actress was dressed from head to toe in Versace. The actress emphasized her bust in a skimpy top with a plunging neckline and perfectly combined it with a light pink skirt that barely covered her thighs and had a belt over her belly that symbolically connected the skirt part with the top. She tied her brown hair in a high bun revealing her gold earrings with red gemstones, and opted for glamorous makeup and light pink lipstick. Lily James complimented her perfect look with a gold “Versace La Medusa Mini Bag,” light green open-toe heels, and a pink Versace jacket.
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