Lily James looked spectacular in a dramatic bra with puff sleeves when she appeared on Sunday night, March 6, at the 2022 Independent Spirit Awards in Santa Monica. Lily once again showed off her phenomenal figure in revealing outfits. Soon after arriving, Pam & Tommy star stepped onto the red carpet, where she revealed her abs and cleavage in a glittery Daniel Del Core baby pink bra with matching puff sleeves. The beautiful actress perfectly paired her top with black Daniel Del Core high-waisted pants and silver shimmering heels. She wore her silky light brown hair loose, parted at the middle and behind her ears, emphasizing the beautiful Anita Ko diamond earrings. Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again actress wore a soft palette of makeup with a subtle touch of brown eyeliner and pale red lipstick. Lily James finished her look with a white manicure and rings by Anita Ko.
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