Lili resumed film her popular CW series Riverdale earlier this month. She had a run-in with her costar Madelaine Petsch, during some downtime on Monday as they were both walking their dogs in Vancouver, Canada. The Hustlers actress outing came a day after her ex-boyfriend Cole Sprouse was seen with his new girlfriend, gorgeous model Reina Silva. She stayed warm in a brown double-breasted coat lined with fleece and had fuzzy lapels and prominent pockets. Lili Reinhart kept the rest of her look casual with gray sweatpants and black combat boots. The actress covered up her shoulder-length hair with a red toque, and she wore a gray checkered mask.
Lili Reinhart and Madelaine Petsch stopped to chat for a bit before going their separate ways. Lili, who plays Betty Cooper on Riverdale, was stretching her legs with her adorable Yorkshire Terrier Milo in tow. While out, she posted a cute video of him getting up on his hind legs to sniff some flowers vigorously. “Milo says, do not forget to stop and smell the flowers,” Lili captioned the clip. Lili Reinhart was previously in a relationship with her Riverdale costar Cole, who plays Jughead on the series. Their turbulent relationship was ended in 2019. Their costar Skeet Ulrich confirmed the breakup during an Instagram Live chat.
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