Kendall Jenner showed off her sartorial prowess in New York on Friday. The famous model looked runway ready in an off white outfit as she went to lunch in Manhattan, covering up in a beige face mask. She looked great in a cream sweater from Madison Margiela and a jacket and pants from The Row, along with brown shoes.
Meanwhile, earlier this month, Kendall Jenner shared that she was “emotional and relieved” after the 77-year-old Biden won the US presidential election. Joe Biden triumphed alongside vice president Kamala Harris, the first female to achieve this position, in the 2020 US election. Kendall’s famous siblings were also excited about the news. Kim Kardashian – whose husband Kanye also ran for president – shared both Biden and Harris’ tweets, only captioning them with a white, red, and blue heart. It comes after Kanye vowed to run for president again in 2024. The rapper ran for office this year but only made it onto the ballot in a handful of states and has now accepted that he will not win this year’s election, so Kanye has already started preparing for the next elections.
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