Kate Beckinsale looked stylish in an off-the-shoulder ruffled black dress at fashion designer Christian Siriano’s book launch in West Hollywood on November 19th. Underworld actress made sure to catch everyone’s attention in the stunning dress by Christian Siriano, which showed off her fantastic figure and had some exquisite design on the right sleeve. The actress perfectly coordinated the dress with open-toe black heels that also revealed her black pedicure, also had an oval leather handbag by Edie Parker with her as she posed for the cameras. Beckinsale tied her hair up in a high bun and opted for a very glamorous makeup look and black manicure while she finished her flawless look with some pointy chic earrings. Also attending the event were Alicia Silverstone, Leslie Jones, Symone, Ashlee Simpson Ross, and Selma Blair, with whom she later posed for pictures.
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