Kaia Gerber was seen how entering her boyfriend’s car on Friday after an intense morning workout at celebrity-friendly gym the Dogpound in West Hollywood. Kaia Gerber got into the passenger side of Jacob Elordi’s large black Range Rover. The daughter of Cindy Crawford was wearing her favorite lilac-colored fleece jacket and her usual black leggings. Underneath her outer layer, the 19-year-old model wore a sexy darker purple bra top, which allowed her flat and muscled abdomen to be in the center of attention. She slipped her feet into white socks and red and white Nike sneakers.
Kaia Gerber stayed protected from the ongoing coronavirus pandemic with a regular black disposable mask and shielded her eyes from California’s sunlight with rounded black sunglasses. Kaia’s brown hair seemed longer, just brushing her shoulders and parted at the middle. She had a single gold pendant hanging around her neck.
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