Jennifer Lopez was seen getting ready and posing on the sun lounger on Tuesday, August 2, in Capri after her new husband Ben Affleck took an unplanned business trip to Los Angeles. Jennifer was in great spirits and beaming from ear to ear, showing off her perfect figure on a turquoise lounger during the photo shoot, holding a delicious-looking drink with a slice of grapefruit, and seemingly writing something in her diary which was beside her. The On The Floor singer put her cleavage and toned legs on full display in a yellow skimpy Norma Kamali swimsuit. The newlywed singer covered her long hair with a colorful bandana while shielding her eyes with gold-rimmed sunglasses and framing her face with chunky gold hoop earrings. The make-up artist ensured J.Lo’s perfect, age-defying skin as she continued to wow onlookers with her smile before wrapping a long striped blue towel around her waist and heading to the following photoshoot location. The Marry Me actress proudly wore only her beautiful new wedding ring.
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Ben is one lucky s o b