Emma Watson opted for a bold red Dior backless dress while attending the Golden Globe Awards in Los Angeles. Emma looked perfect and always in trend in a silk dress with a double slit and looked elegant from the front and while from the back looked chic, accentuating the black pants she wore under the backless dress. She paired her dress and pants perfectly with purple heels that added height and beautified her phenomenal figure even more. Emma’s beautiful floor-length dress is called “the wow dress” by fashionistas at the event. Harry Potter star wore her brown hair tied in an elegant bun and stylistically parted on the one side, emphasizing her beautiful pearly earrings while she kept makeup to a minimum. The actress finished her look on the red carpet with a bunch of silver rings that complimented her chic look. Emma Watson was so beautiful, elegant, and in a phenomenal mood that she was in the spotlight all the time.
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