The pop star Dua Lipa spent her big day at the beach in Malibu with her boyfriend Anwar Hadid, few friends, and their new doggy, Dexter. Dua revealed her toned physique in a small graffiti patterned bikini top and black shorts with poppers. Her unusual bikini top included a silver chain connected to the center of one triangle and the center of the bikini. Dua Lipa went make-up free for their outing, displaying her natural beauty while wearing her black hair in a cute top knot.
The model Anwar Hadid opted for casual elegance. He wore a short-sleeved black shirt which showed off his chest and white shorts with black vertical stripes. Earlier that day, Anwar’s sister Gigi affectionately shared a throwback black and white photo with the two-time Grammy winner and named Dua her “sister.”
Dua and Anwar looked silly with the dog, as they attempted to train him. Their friends couldn’t take their eyes of cute little Dexter.
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