Courteney Cox wore her usual casual chic look while having dinner with a friend at the Giorgio Baldi restaurant in Santa Monica on Saturday, January 15th. The actress whose movie Scream 5 (Scream 2022) is scoring his way up to the top of the box office looked fantastic when she exited a restaurant with a friend after a pleasant dinner and waited for a parking valet to bring her car. Courteney Cox, who plays Gale Weathers in Scream, was probably there to celebrate the movie’s remarkable success as it debuted at No. 1 at the box office. It brought so far in an estimated $30.6 million and is estimated to earn a minimum of $35 million over the four-day Martin Luther King Jr. holiday weekend. The production cost was $ 25 million. The “Friends” actress wore a gray checkered blazer, a warm beige turtleneck sweater, skinny-fit jeans, and brown leather boots. The actress wore a striking long gold chain with a medallion and several gold rings, while she wore her black hair loose, naturally wavy, and parted in the middle. Courteney completed the outfit with a black purse over her right shoulder.
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