Cardi B has been named creative director of Playboy. She celebrated her new directorial position on Friday night, December 3, at the Playboy party at the Big Bunny in Miami Beach. The singer raised the temperature at the party when she appeared at the Casa Tua restaurant and club in a low-cut Prada mini dress that showed off her cleavage. The Superstar wore a tiny short dress that perfectly suited her curves and accentuated her flawless figure. Her white dress had covered with tiny square mirrors that made her shine in the light. Cardi B put her legs on full display in a short dress, barely reaching her thighs. The beautiful rapper paired the dress with silver heels and a vast necklace decorated with jewels with a giant Playboy logo encrusted with diamonds. Cardi wore her long black hair loose, parted in the middle, and shaped into gorgeous curls. The rapper and songwriter carried a very creative purse in her hand in the shape of a Playboy book.
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